miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Organizational behavior

Describe the main role that international business managers may play in the negotiation arena and the importance of developing cross cultural management skills

To understand the different barriers within an international organization is very important for international managers understand when culture is a significant factor to take into account at the time for doing business; however “ for some management scholars culture must be understood as the predominant force driving all decisions made in the company. At the opposite extreme others reject the notion that culture has any relevance to management at all” (Richard Mead, international management, chapter one). Although international managers should act as a interpreters depending of the country where they want to do business; because culture varies change in each region no matter if they beliefs at the same, so it is important to know what are the common behavior of the people in the country because at the time to negotiate you must know how to behave, to dress and also to eat properly if you want to be successful in your meeting business.

International manager cannot apply the same structure and the strategies used in another national culture, because as a I said before people behave change in each region so their way of thinking change too, so is important to managers developing cross-cultural management in order to be adaptable to the changing circumstances because it gives the capacity to leading their members, applying the different good ideas that each members of a cultural diversity group can gives depending on how well they understand they each culture.

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